Saturday, August 17, 2013

Frozen Heat

by Richard Castle

It's that time of year again. There hasn't been a new "Castle" episode in what? 2 months? 3? I suddenly took a turn for the worse in my Castle withdrawal and I saw that they had already begun production on season 6 so it was time for another book by the bestselling author.

This book was every bit as exciting and engaging as the first three. My only problem is the number of near calls Heat has had. She appears to have at least one kidnapping, one attack in her home, and one deadly chase per book. Of course Castle Rook is always there afterwards, hugging her and telling her how glad he is that she's okay. I feel like there's only so many times a person can do that before you get desensitized. After awhile wouldn't it be more like, "Honey, you really have to stop doing this"? I suppose that's just a staple of the genre, though.

I am glad that the books have decided to make the murder of Heat's mother into something that's just a small part of a much bigger plan. Since getting to the bottom of the murder of Beckett's mother took several seasons, the same should be true of the books. I was also deeply pleased at who the actual murderer turned out to be. Not that I didn't feel sorry for Beckett, but it was just such a great twist!

All that being said, my favorite part of the book had to have been Detectives Malcolm and Reynolds ;)

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